11 Ara 2003
The Turk Telekom Heath and Social Care Foundation is now stronger than ever thanks to Innova's Service Management Software for Foundations project.
The Turk Telekom Health and Social Care Foundation (TTSSYV) was established in 1953 for Turk Telekom staff and has operated under its current name since 2008. According to its General Manager, İlhan Hatiboğlu, the foundation “offers services similar to those of a complementary healthcare insurer but, unlike insurers, it is a non-profit organisation.” The foundation’s purpose is to “provide meaningful social benefits to its members and their families.”
TTSSYV now has 20 people dedicated to guaranteeing high-quality care to the company’s 80,000 employees. It pays over 180,000 hospital bills a year and has ongoing agreements with around 600 healthcare providers. As Mr Hatiboğlu points out, these figures alone explain why such an operation could not function effectively without technological assistance and why the foundation has been using software products from a range of providers since 2010.
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