Tele-Medicine Platform by Innova in HD Quality

Tele-Medicine Platform by Innova in HD Quality

24 Mar 2011

Offering turnkey IT solutions in software, hardware and consulting services, Innova aims to be a strong and leading company in the health-care business with its international R&D projects. In supporting this goal, Innova will be leading the consortium of the HIPERMED project in Turkey. The project is a joint project that includes more than 20 companies from Turkey and Europe. This project, called the HIgh PERformance TeleMEDicine Platform (HIPERMED), serves to ensure the communicative compatibility of medical equipment made by different manufacturers and is a part of the CELTIC project that is supported by EUREKA. 

A new era in patient-doctor relations 

HIPERMED, planned to be completed in March 2013, will mark a new era in patient-doctor relations. When the project is completed and the Tele-medicine platform is set up, the doctors will be able to remotely care for and rehabilitate patients while the patients are at home. Moreover, the doctors will be able to communicate with colleagues over this platform and exchange ideas on diagnoses, health consultancy and tele-learning. On this high definition platform, medical data will be able to be transferred very swiftly. 


Furthermore, a doctor remotely attending a medical operation will be able to see ultrasonographic images, MR and endoscopy results of the patient. Also, doctors and radiologists will be able to work on a single image from different locations, and the marks of a radiologist on an image will be able to be seen at different places simultaneously. 


Umit Atalay, Innova’s General Manager said that this project is the first of its kind in Turkey and added: ‘We are proud to be the leader of the HIPERMED project in Turkey; a project that will mark a new era in the health-care business in Turkey. With HIPERMED, we have been able to demonstrate our international competence in the field of health-care. We will continue to integrate advanced communication technologies into health-care practices and achieve life-saving practices.’ 


Other International R&D Projects of Innova

Ümit Atalay discussed other international R&D projects of Innova and said that concurrently with HIPERMED, they are working on platforms called IMPONET and A2NETS for energy industries. With these projects, electricity distribution companies will be able to make central and automatic measurements and be able to prevent illegal use by remote billing. 

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