11 Şub 2010
Through the application within the 'Mobile Hospital Solutions' project which Avea realized with the cooperation of the Turkish Ministry of Health, details of the patient in the ambulance reaches the hospital before the ambulance. Data sent by the doctor in the ambulance on the mobile device via 3G can be monitored by the specialists at hospital emergency units. Thus, loss of time that has vital importance in emergencies can be prevented.
This Mobile Ambulance application has first been used by emergency department and ambulance services of Keçiören Training and Research Hospital located at Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. It contains functions such as entry of patient details over mobile devices, marking and photographing of the problem area on the screen, monitoring of information on the emergency department management screen and warning the necessary health personnel according to the scope of the case.
The application also enables end-to-end solution facility integrated with other applications in the health sector. It has been designed to include minimal data entry and maximum optional coverage for fast communication. Moreover, the interface has been developed to be used both vertically and horizontally by utilizing touch screen features to enable easy utilization.
Users operating the Mobile Ambulance application can be included in the system according to their job definitions and authorized as required. All processes enacted with this application are stored securely in a central application and can be analyzed as reports when necessary.
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