Solar Panels

Next-generation renewable and sustainable energy solutions

Offering end-to-end services from site discovery to panel installation and technical support with its expert engineers, Innova is working to promote the use of solar energy with new technologies, to leave a sustainable world for future generations.

Solar panels, which enable energy production that is environmentally friendly, noiseless, easy to use, and safe, can meet all the energy needs of homes, businesses, and industrial facilities and provide a quick return on investment.

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Did you know that?

You can meet your home's electricity needs with a solar panel with a capacity of 5kW.

How do solar panels generate electricity?

Solar panels capture light, which is electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun, and convert it into usable electrical energy through silicon cells. Many types of solar panels are designed for renewable and sustainable energy production for different areas and various needs. Solar panels are used in power plant-type structures on building roofs and open areas.

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  • Discovery
  • Panel procurement
  • Installation
  • Technical Support

Success Stories

Technical Support

444 5 INV

444 5 468
