End User Security

Protect the weakest link in your cybersecurity posture

Endpoint Threat Detection and Response (EDR)

EDR systems detect zero-day or fileless malware attacks that signature-based threat blocking antiviruses cannot catch. The fact that the EDR system and the antivirus have the same manufacturer brings high-level integration.

Thus, system administrators are offered the opportunity to take automatic or optional action in case of threat detection. Today, there are also EDR systems that work independently from antivirus, but SOAR integration is required for such systems.

  • Proxy (Web Gateway) 

A proxy controls users' access to web pages. Within the scope of corporate network policies, the pages that users and groups can access can be restricted, while others can access them without restrictions. Proxy devices work much faster than firewall devices in classifying web pages.

  • Sandbox 

Sandbox is a system that analyzes the files that users download from the internet that appear suspicious within the virtual machine. It creates IOC rules about the detected malicious files and informs the integrated systems (firewall, antivirus, proxy, etc.). The main reason for choosing a sandbox is the high number of files that can be analyzed simultaneously.

  • Network Anomaly Detection

Network anomaly detection devices detect suspicious behavior in traffic on the corporate network. Thanks to these devices, data hijacking, C&C (command and control) communications, horizontal and vertical attack vectors are detected early.

  • Mail Gateway 

The solution controls organizations' incoming and outgoing e-mails using e-mail servers and blocks harmful and unwanted e-mail traffic.

  • Mail Sandbox 

Mail Sandbox works integrated with Mail Gateway and allows the files and links in incoming and outgoing e-mails to be analyzed within the virtual machine. It transfers the IOC information it generates for the malicious activities it detects to the cybersecurity devices it works integrated.

  • Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) 

DLP technology has network, e-mail, and endpoint data leakage prevention types. It prevents the classified data from leaving the corporate network and systems within the policies/rules determined by the administrators. The most important point in DLP solutions is data classification. Some DLP solutions perform data classification using their agents, while others work integrated with third-party software.

  • Network Access Control (NAC)

NAC products supervise and control users connecting to corporate wired and wireless networks. These devices generally check parameters such as MAC address and username to quarantine users who appear outside the policies set by network administrators.

  • Honeypot and Deception 

Honeypot and threat deception technology directs attackers infiltrating the corporate network to fake information, services, applications, and databases. This technology lures attackers into the honeypot by dropping bits of fake information into the corporate network. Information is generated when the attacker touches the honeypot systems and alarms system administrators

DNS Firewall 

In organizations, end users and servers can make outbound DNS queries, and firewalls do not analyze this activity. For this reason, cyber attackers often use the DNS service to hijack data and use it as a communication channel for malware. DNS firewall technology analyzes the traffic generated by users and the internet services they use to detect and block malicious traffic within the organization at the DNS query level. It also increases visibility by analyzing corporate internet usage through DNS queries.

  • Advanced Threat Analysis 

An advanced threat analysis system is a platform that analyzes the activities of users and administrators in the Microsoft Active Directory structure. Analyzing account activities makes detecting cyber-attacks at the discovery and horizontal spread stages possible.

  • Antivirus 

Antivirus products provide signature-based threat prevention on servers and end-users' computers. Antiviruses that work with machine learning algorithms have gained capabilities such as behavioral analysis, increasing the malware and intrusion detection rate.

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