Digital Marketing Solutions

Digital marketing tools to differentiate your brand from the competition


Digital Marketing Solutions combines the best tools developed to reach your target audience, collect, analyze, and transform the right data into meaningful information with İnnova's expertise and experience.

Digital marketing is undergoing a major change with the increase in interaction channels. All organizations that communicate with their customers through multiple channels, especially banks, now aim to provide them with the same experience through every access channel.

Regardless of the sector, the access of all customers to organizations and their services is shaped according to the changing needs of their daily lives. The B2B world can no longer be considered outside the sphere of influence of marketing. In a competitive environment, communicating with business partners is as important as creating and maintaining brand value. The way to offer competitive products to the market, understand the dynamics of the competition and differentiate from it requires data-driven approaches.

More insightful information

How can I learn more about my customers? How can I interact with my potential customers? How can I provide customers with a seamless service and buying experience across all channels? How can I make them feel special? How can I use my data to offer cost-effective products? Can I forecast my future sales more accurately? Can I use data science to deliver timely and cost-effective orders to my suppliers? There is no single right answer to these questions, only specific answers based on the unique structures of businesses and market dynamics. Sustainability in a rapidly changing world is only possible if businesses' decision-making and marketing infrastructures are also dynamic and easy to manage.

İnnova's Customer Experience Design Solutions combines the best tools developed to reach your target audience, collect, analyze, and transform the right data into meaningful information with İnnova's expertise and experience. İnnova uses best-in-class products from its partners, such as Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, IBM, and many other industry leaders, to develop custom solutions according to your unique needs.


İnnova Digital Marketing Tools

SAP Hybris Marketing

Understand your customer accurately

Traditional marketing campaigns fail to rally individual customers. With SAP Hybris Marketing, organizations can have deep knowledge about their customers' shopping history, future shopping potential, and, most importantly, their current state.

Gain instant insights for each customer and utilize this information for a personalized customer experience across all communication channels.

Instant insights

Next-generation marketing

Personalized customer experience

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Discover the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics to increase efficiency in marketing, sales, and after-sales

Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which increases the ability of organizations to communicate with their customers and offers easy access to data, directly contributes to three main processes of organizations: marketing, sales, and after-sales services.

Salesforce automation

Loyalty system integration


Outlook integration


IBM Unica

Çok kanallı (omni-channel) pazarlama yazılımı

IBM’in pazarlama yaklaşımı sunduğu kişiselleştirilmiş, çoklu kanal deneyimi ile kurumların yeni müşteriler kazanabilmesine ve müşterilerin memnuniyet seviyelerini artırmaya yardımcı oluyor. Bu çözümler ile tüm iletişim kanalları üzerinden bireysel müşteri tercihleri yönetilebilir ve müşteri odaklı iletişim stratejileri tasarlanabiliyor. Bu stratejilerin yürütülmesi ve ölçümlenmesi de mümkün oluyor.

  • Sürekli ve dinamik ilişki
  • Doğru müşteri segmentasyonu
  • Inbound ve outbound pazarlama


Bilgiyi ve süreci yönetmek için gereken her şey bulutta

SAP’nin bulut tabanlı uygulaması SAP Cloud Sales, satış temsilcisinden orta ve üst düzey yöneticilere kadar, satış operasyonlarını yakından takip eden ve süreci mükemmelleştirmeyi hedefleyen tüm kurumlara en iyi çözümü sunuyor. SAP CRM, müşteri bilgilerinin yönetimi, iletişim bilgilerinin güncellenmesi ve organize edilmesi, önemli toplantıların ayarlanması, olası satışların ve müşterilerin izlenmesi gibi birçok süreci ofis dışına taşıyarak ekibinizin zamanı çok daha iyi değerlendirmesini sağlıyor.

  • Satış odaklı CRM
  • Düşen maliyetler
  • Bilgiye kolay erişim 
  • Anlık veri işleme
  • Üst düzey raporlama
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