Stay one step ahead of next-generation threats and risks
İnnova Cyber Intelligence Service enables the investigation and elimination of attacks and malicious activities that have not yet occurred.
İnnova Cyber Intelligence Service enables the investigation and elimination of attacks and malicious activities that have not yet occurred. Within the scope of this service, you will be informed about potential threats that may harm your brand, managers, employees, system, and security infrastructure, as well as gain intelligence for attack monitoring, analysis, and prevention.
The organization provides full information about systems and determines the scope. This test aims to determine the maximum damage that employees or an attacker who has already managed to infiltrate the systems and grasped the structure of information systems through reconnaissance can cause the organization.
The organization does not give any information about its systems. The cyber security expert tries to infiltrate the systems like a real attacker and performs an attack scenario.
This test is performed without detailed information about the systems, usually using unauthorized user information from the inside. This test aims to determine the damage that can be caused by people who have previously worked or are currently working in the organization.
İnnova Vulnerability Management Platform service includes notifying you of current security vulnerabilities as soon as possible, tracking the vulnerabilities detected in your systems, and performing penetration tests regularly.
Many medium and large-scale organizations have their software teams. İnnova engineers analyze the source codes of the software produced within the organization with DevOps criteria, identify security vulnerabilities and report to the organization on the elimination of deficiencies.
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